One year ago Jim and I were packing to go to China, we are also coming up on Chinese New Year so I thought I would try some new recipes. While in China we had some pork dumplings that were AMAZING! They had soup in them and I had them every chance I got. I have been craving them ever since and I have not seen them anywhere. So a year later the light bulb goes off and I googled pork soup dumplings and this is what I find, Steamy Kitchen ! Perfect but wait that is a lot to attempt in one dish! So I thought I would start at the end and work my way to the soup dumplings, my biggest concern was the dough. I have never done dough from scratch before and I was a bit intimidated. So I thought before the big, yummy, soup dumplings which are apparently called Xiao Long Bao, I would use some egg roll filling that we had left over and just try the dough. We didn't have a bamboo steamer so off the the kitchen store we went. Not to sk...