Santa 2012

We went to visit Santa today.  Chloe has been looking forward to this for a couple weeks.  We got there before the crowds so the wait was not too long and she got to spend a little extra time with the jolly old man.  She still almost forgot to ask him one question so she had to run back.  What was so important you might ask?  Well she got to him and asked "Are you magical?"  to which Santa replied "Yes, I am"

I also got a picture with my camera, she was fascinated with his book.  I love that she had enough time to enjoy the experience.

What a big difference a year makes?  Where did that baby go?


Lorrene said…
How cute. Santa looks and acts like a real Santa. Maybe there is a Santa after all. I'm going to go see him. I have a few things on my list too.
jade said…
She has indeed changed into a big girl, when you see the two pictures of now and before! But she is still as pretty as ever!
Enjoy the holiday season.

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