Totally Horrible Blogger Award
This is what I need, the completely horrible blogging award. I just have not been feeling it. Work has been completely crazy and I tend to come home and zone out. Nothing has happened on the adoption side of our lives. I am sure that if I have any readers left they are tired of hearing about nothing happening. I am tired of hearing about it. I am really tired of talking about it. I am getting to the point where I just want to move on. I am so sick of living our lives on hold. I still want to be a mom but that is just not the next step I thought it would be in my life. Now I just need to figure out which direction to go and what I really want vs. what I really need. That may take some time.
So this weekend is going to be filled to the brim. Saturday, Emily and I are having a baby shower for Molly at our mom's house. It will be brunch with a small crowd and I hope that Molly enjoys it. I am excited for Molly and can't wait to see my niece or nephew in a few weeks. Baby showers are not always the easiest thing for me, and I have found it a bit more complicated emotionally than I thought it would be. However, I think it will be fun.
Sunday is Emma's Birthday, She is going to be 6. I can not believe it. She is growing into quite the young lady. Her party is going to be a "Royal Event" and we are to come in appropriate royal attire. Which sounds fun however I have gained aton few stress pounds since beginning the adoption process and the medications that I took for fertility treatments before and the ones that I currently take for other reasons have not helped either. So I no longer own a skirt or dress that fits and we are not spending any non-essential money this month. I know that everyone will understand when I show up in my jeans but I also know Emma is expecting the girls to wear dresses. So I am making a tutu to wear over my jeans, yes I will look ridculous but she is 6 and tutus are fancy right? I also have a crown, a septor and I might have to come up with a royal sash or somthing. Jim is got his costume all worked out and he is going to look very royal. It will be fun also, how often does a girl turn 6 anyway.
Hope next week is a little less hectic, have a great weekend everyone.
So this weekend is going to be filled to the brim. Saturday, Emily and I are having a baby shower for Molly at our mom's house. It will be brunch with a small crowd and I hope that Molly enjoys it. I am excited for Molly and can't wait to see my niece or nephew in a few weeks. Baby showers are not always the easiest thing for me, and I have found it a bit more complicated emotionally than I thought it would be. However, I think it will be fun.
Sunday is Emma's Birthday, She is going to be 6. I can not believe it. She is growing into quite the young lady. Her party is going to be a "Royal Event" and we are to come in appropriate royal attire. Which sounds fun however I have gained a
Hope next week is a little less hectic, have a great weekend everyone.

Please post pictures of you and Jim in your royal regalia. The prince and princess will enjoy the photos of their Mom and Dad! (And so will we!)
Lifting you up, friends! (((HUG)))
BTW~ I think that tutus over regular clothing is trendy.
Can't wait to see pictures in your Royal attire!!
Big hugs,
Can't wait to see the photos..
Emma is going to have so much fun..
Love ya..