Holy Sesame Oil Batman!
We are going to China!! We just got an email with our consulate date and gotcha day, I have a whole story about the day that we will get her but that will have to be another post! I am TOTALLY freaking out!! Yes I knew it was coming but I am completely scared about what has to be done before we leave! I have work stuff to deal with and travel arrangements to be made and packing to do and arranging for the animals and about a million other things! Hold on a minute..... . . . . Ok better now after breathing in a paper bag and putting my head between my legs, ahhh. I might spend a couple days freaking out and I might be a basket case until we are on a plane and heck who am I kidding maybe after we are on a plane but I am OVER the moon that our family is about to grow by 1. She will wait no more in an orphanage with out a mom & dad. I can't wait to see how she has changed and has grown and I can't wait to hold that precious one in my arms. I hope...