Just some points from this morning: Up at 4 am for a early morning bottle and diaper change Can't go back to sleep make coffee, drink coffee order some things online Check and respond to email drink more coffee 5 am say hello to husband browse Facebook try to sleep. eat a bowl of Cheerios drink more coffee Wake up call from Little Miss Realize it is raining like crazy outside Change another diaper Dress baby Say good bye to husband feed baby yogurt watch baby spit yogurt all over her shirt get baby clean shirt read Christmas book read water book read Christmas book again Put dinner in the crock pot pick up poopy baby search for poop containers Change baby while scooping up poop get poop everywhere! wash baby and redress Take diapers outside Change my clothes Wash clothes on hot I still smell poop :( WHY? seal up poop bag still smell it, Ugg look at clock, it is only 8 am!! Take baby step out in the rain to clear the s...